Friday, May 22, 2009

The Daily Migraine - Migraine Headache Treatment for Extended Migraine

Where do pills fit into my migraine headache treatment?

A large component to effective Migraine Headache Treatment revolves is trigger elimination. A main contributing trigger to many people's migraines is actually the medication they take to abort (kill) the migraine in progress.

This medication (Triptans, opioids, OTC pain killers, etc.) causes a condition called rebound headache.

Most people who seek out migraine headache treatment from their doctor, only to find their migraine headaches occurring more frequently or more severely, are most likely suffering from rebound headache.

There is a situation where it's worth biting the bullet, getting the abortive medication and getting yourself migraine relief.

NOTE: If you're otherwise healthy[link to imitrex warnings], a Imitrex, Axert and Zomig are very effective. I've found Imitrex to be far and away the most effective triptan on the market. I have not tried Treximet, Pozen and GlaxoSmithKline's new version of Imitrex that combines, basically, Imitrex with Aleve. This drug was approved in April, 2008 and my migraine headache treatment eliminated my migraine headaches before the drug hit the market.

If you are suffering from a migraine headache that has lasted several days, you're not getting sleep, you're pouring Ibuprofen, Aleve, Tylenol, Excedrin Migraine, etc down your throat trying to get rid of this terrible headache, just STOP!

Get yourself into a doctor and ask for an injection of Imitrex. It will work almost immediately, aborting the headache with very little side effects... first. All triptans, including Imitrex, lead to rebound headaches, which you should avoid at ALMOST all cost.

Here is the exception to the rule: A migraine that lasts more than two days should be aborted, rebound be damned!

If your doctor won't or can't give you the Imitrex injection, ask for a prescription to Imitrex (the generic, Sumatriptan, is now available in the US) or Treximet, if your insurance will cover it.

Get the prescription filled, take one pill, and relax. You have aborted this terrible, unending migraine headache.

This migraine headache treatment, as I mentioned before, if used more than a couple times in a month, will send you into a rebound headache cyle that will prove more frustrating than the original migraine.

You will get a migraine attack that seems worse than the original, take one of your new pills and find relief. But then you'll have ANOTHER MIGRAINE ATTACK the next day or the day after! Then you'll take another Imitrex. Soon, you'll be having these attacks nearly everyday.

The stress from dealing with these suddenly VERY frequent migraine headaches will make the severity worse, cause you to spend endless hours seeking out a new migraine headache treatment (which is probably how you found this site in the first place), and cause you to take more and more Imitrex.

Soon, you won't get enough Imitrex to fill the need.

NOTE: You'll find that most insurance providers won't pay for more than 18 pills in a month. Many only pay for 9. For years, I could not understand why. I was suffering from daily migraine headaches, and my insurance company would only pay for half of them to be treated! Why no one explained to me that these pills CANNOT be taken more than a couple times a month is, well, a WHOLE other issue...

So in closing, don't be afraid to use a triptan to abort a migraine that just won't go away. You will be able to see the world with clear eyes -- and that is the only way to seek out a safe and effective migraine headache treatment.

Danger! Genotoxicity Was A Concern For Treximet - New Migraine Headache Treatment


There were cheers the world over when Pozen announced in April 15, 2008, that Treximet, their new migraine headache treatment, was approved for release by the FDA.

Treximet is a migraine headache treatment that basically combines Imitrex with Aleve. GlaxoSmithKline, which paid Pozen $35 million dollars to develope the drug, was happy because they could effectively extend their patent on Imitrex (which expired in 2008), and migraine sufferers were happy because Treximet is reported to work faster and more effectively than Imitrex alone.

Of course, experienced Imitrex users have been combining Imitrex with Aleve for years to achieve, no doubt, the same effect.


But there is still reason for concern. It took years for Pozen to get through the FDA approval system and get Treximet on the market. The FDA was concerned first with the genotoxic (DNA damage) effects of the compound in 1 of 4 studies.

In addition to DNA damage, there were other concerns as well...


The new migraine headache treatment also raised cardiovascular concerns.

NSAIDs and triptans have always been associated with cardiovascular trouble on their own. Those suffering from cardiovascular disease are prevented from taking triptans at all, and NDAIDs are notoriously associated with potential cardiovascular troubles. Combining both drugs in one compound would naturally raise similar concerns.


Many chronic pain sufferers will say yes. Fast relief to chronic pain is almost impossible to turn down.

Although rebound headaches will result from over use of this migraine headache treatment, Treximet is already a popular go-to for those seeking abortive triptans.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Daily Migraine - Migraine Headache Treatment Op-Ed

Migraine Headache Treatment vs. Migraine Headache Cure

So here's the first edition of a little experiment I'm interested in trying.

If I don't get much response from this series, I'll cancel it. But to start things off, let's get into the dark side of migraine headache treatment:

Migraine Headache Treatment MARKETING!!

Ah yes, the devil dogs of any business. The marketing team.

[Full disclosure: before I left to pursue a migraine-free existence, I was a full-time entertainment marketing professional. There is, unfortunately, a bit of That Guy in my blood now. The plus side to this is that I can see through marketing gimmicks like a cellophane wrapper...:]

If you've read any of my previous articles, you'll see that I'm of the belief that migraine headache treatment is big business for those who have figured out how to market it effectively.

Notice the term "market it effectively," as opposed to "effective migraine headache treatment marketing."

A big difference.

What's the difference? There's no need to create an effective migraine headache treatment to create an effective marketing campaign for a migraine headache treatment.

Say that ten times fast.

Let me explain:

An effective migraine headache treatment will cure you of your migraine headaches, and thus entirely eliminate your need for the migraine headache treatment.

An effective marketing campaign creates the desire for a migraine headache treatment that is perpetual, and thus creates a continuous revenue stream for the company selling the treatment (i.e., you need to continually purchase a product to continue to receive the benefit of the migraine headache treatment).

This means that you cannot have BOTH an effective marketing campaign AND an effective treatment. Otherwise, you will very quickly eliminate the need for your own product.

This brings me back to the old sales adage I've used in previous posts:

You don't sell a guy one car, you sell him 10 cars over 30 years.

You don't sell a guy a migraine headache CURE. You sell a migraine headache treatment.

A cure creates a customer.

A treatment creates a client.

A customer might spend a bundle today, but a client will spend a little tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, and so on.

Are you a Customer or Are you a Client?

How many times have you heard this when you asked your doctor for a migraine headache treatment?

"Make a headache journal. When you have a migraine headache, look for the things you did, things you ate, 1 to 2 days prior to the headache. Then compare. The commonalities are your headache triggers."

Have you tried to do this? Are you a human being?

If you said yes to both of those questions, then your doctor has turned you from a customer to a client.

See how easy it is?

People in pain are easy to manipulate. If you tell them to do something and it will lead to a cure, or pain relief, or whathaveyou, they will probably gladly do it with little resistance.

When they come back with the expected result...

"I tried the journal and I get a migraine headache no matter what I eat, no matter when I sleep, etc."

...the doctor can prescribe a pill, a magical pill called a triptan, that will completely abort the migraine in progress.

It's a wonderful thing to experience.

It feels like a life saver.

Unfortunately, by design, this is not a life saver. This is a migraine headache treatment that creates a perpetual cycle of drug use for temporary migraine relief.

The pill works by constricting your red blood cells. When the medication wears off and your blood cells swell back up again, you get another migraine. This is called a rebound headache.

Drug companies count on rebound headaches. This is how they have turned you from a customer to a client.

Now, I still use triptans from time to time. They are a wonderful tool to have at your disposal.

I am human. I occasionally eat something that I know, I KNOW is going to give me a migraine headache the next day. And without fail this is true.

If it happens once or twice a month, I take Imitrex.

Anymore than that and I march right down the rebound headache path all over again.

Since starting my free migraine headache treatment, I haven't taken more than one Imitrex a month. Many months, I haven't taken any pills of any variety AT ALL.

And for me, that is a life changer. Migraine headache treatment CUSTOMER, sure...CLIENT, never again.

FAQ - Is This Migraine Headache Treatment For Me?

Why Stop Here for Your Migraine Headache Treatment Info?

Because there's so much nonsense out there when it comes to migraine headache treatment. There are so many myths and misconceptions. Migraine headache treatment, in this country at least, is appalling difficult to find.

No. Sorry. EFFECTIVE migraine headache treatment is appalling difficult to find.

Any doctor you go to will do his or her best to convince you that what they are prescribing is an effective migraine headache treatment.

The problem is, if you believe everything your doctor tells you about migraine headache treatment, if you do everything your doctor tells you to do, like a good girl or boy, then you will lose years...yes, YEARS of your life to a cycle of pain and suffering that is difficult to manage and even more difficult to understand.

So stop here to clear the air.

Stop here to get perspective.

Stop here to get some new ideas that your doctor isn't going to tell you.

Why Won't My Doctor Recommend What You Recommend?

--Because she's a doctor.
Doctors are in the business of migraine headache treatment. It's a business. It involves securing customers (i.e., patients) and ensuring the customers you have become REPEAT customers.
The sales adage goes: Don't sell the guy one car, sell him 5 cars over 20 years...
A migraine headache treatment that ELIMINATES migraine headache and requires little or no medication or repeat visits to the doctor is simply BAD BUSINESS.

--Because she's never suffered from daily migraine headaches.
Straight talk about migraine headache treatment is hard to come by because the people who need it the most are the ones capable of delivering the goods. Translation: it's the pain-addled migraineur who's dying to get to the heart of the discussion, and when you're in constant pain, it's hard to see the forest for the trees.
If you wake up with a migraine headache every day, it's very difficult to do anything but follow a routine migraine headache treatment set out for you in simple terms. In my experience, it's impossible to question your migraine headache treatment when you are in the midst of a rebound headache cycle or when you're suffering on a nearly daily basis.

--Because she relies on patient feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of her migraine headache treatment prescriptions.
As I discuss in detail in Migraine Headache Treatment and Too Much Bad Advice, the ways in which doctors recommend certain migraine headache treatment processes (e.g., identifying and eliminating migraine headache triggers) will sabotage the process and aggravate the chronic pain patient. Headache journals are all well and good...but if I have a migraine headache EVERY DAY, then it seems like EVERYTHING I DO is a migraine trigger. And if everything's a trigger, nothing's a trigger.
Ultimately, it's just easier to prescribe a pill.

--Because the best, most effective migraine headache treatment doesn't come with a quick fix.
ANY doctor that doesn't have a quick fix in his med kit will find himself losing patients. This goes back to the repeat business concept. Remember, migraine headache treatment is a business. When you're purchasing migraine medication, when you're visiting your doctor, you are delving into a multi-billion dollar industry. When there's that much money at stake, you'd better believe there are many many levels of revenue safe-guarding at work.

Wait, No Quick Fix?

Yes and no. There is a quick fix. But there's no instant fix. Starting with eliminating your migraine triggers is the first step in the best migraine headache treatment you can receive -- and it's free.

HOWEVER, you need the discipline to eliminate all POTENTIAL migraine triggers before finding the ones that apply to you. And then the discipline to keep away from the triggers for good.

In some cases, this requires significant lifestyle changes.

These lifestyle changes are ALL for the greater good of your life. But it certainly takes some discipline and determination to undergo some self-examination and personal development for the sake of living a migraine-free life.

So where's the straight talk? I want the truth.

The truth is, it's no surprise that eliminating migraine triggers is the first and most significant step to any migraine headache treatment. But if you need to monetize a cure, then you'd better have something new to sell. Which is where all the drugs come in. And, for all the blessings of Axert and Imitrex and whathaveyou, these drugs have caused more migraines than they have aborted.

They are not a migraine headache treatment plan. They are a crutch that keeps you going back for more.

A more effective migraine headache treatment is implied by Samuel the 19th century:
“It is immoral to get drunk because the headache comes after the drinking, but if the headache came first and the drunkenness afterwords, it would be moral to get drunk.”
-Samuel Butler

Of course, quitting drinking alone will not cure migraine headaches.

I tried that.

I was, well, pissed off, to say the least, to find that I still suffered from daily background headaches and four or five full blown migraine headaches every week after COMPLETELY quitting drinking.

So it's a little more involved.

But it's quick and it's completely FREE.

So start at this link and you can virtually eliminate migraine headaches from your life with an effective migraine headache treatment.

Migraine Headache Treatment and Too Much Bad Advice

Too often, a migraine headache suffer is told, to start their migraine headache treatment, to find their dietary migraine headache triggers, cut them out, and when that doesn't work, take this pill, this pill and this pill.

When they ask how they're suppose to achieve this, they are told:

"1-2 days prior to a migraine headache, keep a headache journal and look for things in common."


Starting a migraine headache treatment with 8 different doctors over 15 years, I have been told, over and over again:

  • Keep a headache journal.
  • Look for things in common.
  • Look at the foods you ate 1 to 2 days prior to your migraine headache.
  • Look at your sleeping habits 1 to 2 days prior to a migraine headache.
  • Look for common triggers 1 to 2 days prior to a migraine headache.

This is just plain bad advice from doctors who should know better. If a patient comes to you asking for migraine headache treatment, tells you that they suffer from nearly daily migraine headaches -- or migraine headaches 3 days a week or even once a week, or they are suffering from a migraine headache that has lasted for 6 days and counting...PLEASE PRESCRIBE ME SOMETHING...



...and you give them the above advice as migraine headache treatment, there are several assumptions you can easily make as to why this migraine headache treatment will fail:

If you're suffering from daily migraine headaches, the foods you ate 1 to 2 days prior to each migraine headache are going to be different, possibly ENTIRELY different. Any intelligent person would listen to this migraine headache treatment suggestion and dismiss entirely.


Because logically it wouldn't apply. Because if I eat a different food everyday and still get migraine headaches everyday, then you (the doctor) are telling me that EVERY food is a migraine trigger. You (the doctor) are telling me that EVERY habit is a trigger. That all bed times are triggers.

The headache journal advice is similar. Every migraine headache treatment I have been prescribed started with a headache journal.

If I'm living a varied lifestyle, if I go to bed and wake up at different times on a regular basis, if I eat a varied and healthy diet, and I'm suffering from DAILY migraine headaches, then either EVERYTHING is a trigger or NOTHING is a trigger.

Simply, the above migraine headache treatment leads me to conclude that my headaches are simply too frequent to single out commonalities.

Plus, 1 to 2 days is so vague. There are so many potential triggers that can be encountered in a 1 to 2 day period PRIOR to a migraine attack.

Think about this: if you are suffering from daily migraine headaches, the EVERY DAY IS 1 TO 2 DAYS PRIOR TO A MIGRAINE HEADACHE ATTACK.

Why pay for this migraine headache treatment?

You are not being treated individually with this migraine headache treatment. You're not stupid, so you can sense this immediately and rightfully dismiss it.

What advice SHOULD a doctor give?

I wish I didn't have to write this because every doctor SHOULD start every migraine headache treatment this way:

  • I'm going to start you on a migraine headache treatment program that will make migraine headaches a very rare and preventable part of your life.
  • The first step of this treatment is to take this complete list of migraine headache triggers....
  • And eliminate ALL of these triggers.
  • Come back and see me in one month. We'll move on to the next phase of your migraine headache treatment. The severity and frequency will have SIGNIFICANTLY decreased.
  • After a couple of months, you will never worry about migraine headaches again.

I have never been told this by any doctor. I have never been told there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I have never been told how to identify and cut out my triggers.


Here I get into the dark side of migraine headache treatment -- why almost all migraine headache treatment in this country either prolongs or exacerbates the migraine headache condition.

It's frustrating, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Start with the first step in this free migraine headache treatment and the severity and frequency of your migraine headaches will SIGNIFICANTLY decrease almost immediately.

Move onto step two of the migraine headache treatment and start living migraine free.

A 5 Step Migraine Headache Treatment

A Free Migraine Headache Treatment

Looking for a guaranteed migraine headache treatment? If you're willing to put in a little effort and let your body do the heavy lifting, this 5 step migraine headache treatment will open you up to a whole new pain-free world!

Migraine Headache Treatment STEP ONE


Any migraine headache treatment you might try should require you to "cut out your triggers."

This is easier said than done. I received an email the other day from a woman who, from the sound of it, was stuck in a pretty tough rebound cycle. I recommended this 5-step migraine headache treatment. She wrote with thanks, saying she would try all of my suggestions...BUT, she didn't know what her migraine triggers were, so it would take some time.

Translation: I'm going to my doctor. I'm getting on some migraine medication and hoping for the best.

Migraine medication is useful to abort a migraine headache IN PROGRESS. But use with caution. If you're relying on medication as your primary form of migraine headache treatment, you are dooming yourself to interminable migraine headaches.

Migraine medication, used more than a couple of times per months -- and this includes OTC (over the counter) pain killers -- will throw you head-first into a terrible rebound headache cycle that is very difficult to pull yourself out of.

In fact, many people reading this are probably suffering from rebound headaches without even knowing it. Don't panic if you are. This migraine headache treatment will knock you out of the cycle.

If you would like to determine if you're suffering from rebound headaches, take a look at my rebound headache article - migraine headache treatment for rebound headaches.

If you would like to get started on a migraine headache treatment, before you do anything else, you must identify your migraine headache triggers.

Easier said than done?

Absolutely. This is the main reason that migraine sufferers have such a hard time finding a useful and effective migraine headache treatment.

Here is a complete list of migraine headache triggers for use with any migraine headache treatment.

It's long. It's daunting. It's difficult to imagine life without some of these items, let alone ALL of them!

But the good news is: you don't have to live without all of these triggers forever. During the course of this migraine headache treatment, you can start adding in items, one at a time, to make sure you know FOR CERTAIN what is a trigger and what isn't.

But first you absolutely MUST cut them all out -- all at once -- to begin ANY migraine headache treatment -- if you want the migraine headache treatment to be effective.


Because if you don't, you run the risk -- and the very probable risk -- of cutting out some, but not all of your triggers. The result will be more migraine headaches, and you will abandon the migraine headache treatment declaring this method to be a failure.

I know because that's what I did for 15 years.


I toyed with the concept of cutting triggers for 15 years.

I kept a headache journal.

I cut chocolate, coffee and aspartame.

I still got migraine headaches.

Then I cut alcohol, but still drank some coffee, diet coke, but I ate onions in almost all of my meals.

I still got migraine headaches.

I was wasn't surprised. I was frustrated, but I wasn't surprised, because I didn't really believe that cutting out foods could have that great an impact on what had become a constant plague in my life.

I went back to my doctor and said the following:

"I kept the headache journal. I cut out my triggers. I get migraine headaches almost every day NO MATTER WHAT. This migraine headache treatment isn't working."

My doctor didn't ask any questions about what triggers I cut out, he didn't tell me I had to cut ALL triggers out, whether or not I think they effect me.

He gave me new prescriptions to different migraine medications, and I got worse.

This is a very common practice.

This is a great example of the most common form of migraine headache treatment.

This does not work, cannot work, will not work.

Any migraine headache treatment must begin with this first step:

Cut out ALL migraine headache triggers.

I know it sounds hard. Here's some motivation to get you going on this migraine headache treatment.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Dark Side of Migraine Headache Treatment

Your Migraine Headache Treatment is Making Things Worse

There are two reasons that anyone suffering from migraine headache pain should consider a natural migraine headache treatment.

  1. It works better than any migraine headache medication.
  2. It's free.

The kind of migraine headache relief you receive from a natural migraine headache treatment course is significantly different from the migraine headache relief you receive from medication.

Here I'll discuss the down side to a common medical migraine headache treatment: Preventative Migraine Headache Medication (Prophylactic)


Preventative migraine headache medication, or prophylactic medication, is popular among doctors specializing in migraine headache treatment

Popular preventative medications include Topamax, Depakote, and Neurontin.


As with any prescription migraine headache treatment, you may experience significant side effects.

I found that each of the above drugs made me dizzy, naseous, foggy and just plain tired all day long.

When I first started on Topamax, I took a three hour nap in the middle of the day and could not focus at work. I found it increasingly difficult to make it through the day without a nap. I didn't want to wake up, wanted to sleep all day long.

And then the dosage increased....

Each one of these drugs requires a swift dosage increase, as well, to maintain their effectiveness. Many people discontinue use of the drug in the hopes that a migraine headache treatment MUST exist that doesn't leave you feeling drugged up and dizzy all day long.


The dark underbelly of migraine headache treatment is, as with any business, buried under the bottom line. If you are prescribed a drug as part of your migraine headache treatment, you are being asked to fund the R&D costs of a major drug company.

It may sound cynical to you, and before your dismiss this entirely consider this:

Every preventative migraine headache treatment medication was originally developed to treat a different disease.

Whether we're talking about antidepressants or drugs for epileptic seizures, not one of these drugs were developed as a migraine headache treatment.


Indication Expansion is insider term used by drug companies to describe the process of approving one medication for the treatment of a disease FOR WHICH IT WAS NEVER INTENDED.

By their own admission, this marketing exercise is intended to expand the possible return on investment for a particular drug.

See this from OBBeC [a leading BioTech company]

"Drug development processes consume around $1 billion and 10-15 years from concept to commercialization. Skyrocketing expenditures in pharmaceutical R&D have forced the pharmaceutical industry to invent innovative strategies to maximize their return on investment."

Notice the use of the word "forced." The cost of research and development has forced drug companies to expand the use of drugs beyond their original purpose.

Topamax is an epileptic seizure drug. Not a migraine headache treatment.

If I were suffering from epileptic seizures, I am sure the terrible side effects that come with Topamax would be a small price to pay for relief from what must be a horrible condition.

But to take this drug as a means of preventing migraine headaches, to use it under the guise of legitimate migraine headache treatment, to me, after 15 years of suffering and personal experimentation with all varieties of migraine headache treatment, seems like a cruel joke.


When I was first prescribed Topamax as a migraine headache treatment, I was told it was used to prevent migraine headaches. A little research uncovered the fact that it's an epileptic seizure drug.

Because of the pain I was in, because of the my desperate circumstances, I automatically believed that this medication was somehow discovered to have a significant impact on migraine headaches.

I wanted so badly to believe that this was a wonderful day in the advancement of migraine headache treatment, that we have all these wonderful new drugs with which to combat migraine headaches...

Don't believe it.

It's a marketing ploy and nothing more.


If these drugs worked the way doctors and drug companies claim they do, then this site wouldn't exist. There wouldn't be LITERALLY a hundred thousand blogs suggesting alternative migraine headache treatments.

There wouldn't be millions of migraine headache sufferers.

If these medications prevented migraines in a tolerable way, we would all be happy and declaring our undying loyalty to J&J and Topamax and Depakote and Neurontin and NameYourPoison.

Do a search. You won't find one unbiased site declairing their love for these drugs.

Because they aren't migraine headache treatments.

They are marketing gimmicks.

They are a product of Indication Expansion. That is a fact taken directly from the drug companies' own literature.

Your body will tell you what migraine headache treatment to use and what migraine headache treatment to stay away from.

If you're interested in a free migraine headache treatment that is natural -- that requires you to BUY NOTHING -- take a look at other Migraine Headache Treatment Options.

Migraine Headache Treatment Options

Not All Migraine Treatment Options Are Created Equal

This site is dedicated to the variety of options from which you can choose when considering a migraine headache treatment.

This isn't a flashy site, with lots of graphics, cool fonts and super cool new products to sell.

I'm not selling anything.

Simply, when it comes to migraine headache treatment, I have seen it all; I have tried it all; I have experienced various levels of success with, literally, IT ALL.

And here, I will share with you what I've learned during my 15 year search for the best migraine headache treatment.


1. Medication is the only migraine headache treatment solution.

When we're sick, we go to the doctor. A doctor treats you with medicine. If this is your focus, then the focus of your migraine headache treatment will be migraine medication.

This path will lead to 3 things:
  • Immediate relief from your current migraine headache.
  • A devastating rebound headache cycle that seems impossible to escape.
  • Frustration with all migraine headache treatment.

2. Not identifying all of your triggers.

All migraine headache treatment options SHOULD begin with the identification of your own personal migraine triggers.

Unfortunately, I have not found a single doctor that places the emphasis on trigger identification. In my experience, this is the ONLY path to a migraine headache treatment that will CURE you of your migraine headaches.

Every doctor I have gone to prescribed me one drug or another -- and most prescribed 3 or more drugs at once. This has been the automatic migraine headache treatment response I have received from EVERY doctor I have gone to over a 15 year time period.

Identifying and eliminating ALL of your triggers must be the first step in your migraine headache treatment and will do more for you than any medication EVER will.

3. Fearing all medication.

It's better to steer clear of all medicine than to use all medicine that your prescribed blindly. effective migraine headache treatment course will include the infrequent use of abortive migraine medication (e.g., Imitrex, Axert, Zomig, etc.), as well as the occasional dose of Aleve to boost the effectiveness of the triptan (abortive medication).

But again, if your current migraine headache treatment does not include ANY medication, you are still better off than following a migraine headache treatment plan that includes LOTS of migraine medication.

4. Not questioning your migraine headache treatment.

Doctors are testy. It's rare to find a doctor in any field that actually enjoys being tested on the validity of their diagnosis. Especially difficult is asking your doctor questions after she prescribes a migraine headache treatment plan.

But this is your life and your doctor is being rewarded handsomely for the few minutes you're spending with her.

If you have a question, ask. If you want to know why a certain medication makes you feel a certain way, ask.

If you are curious as to why you are having more migraine headaches since the start of your migraine headache treatment, you should ask.

Just be ready to go to another doctor. Because not all doctors are created equal.

5. Not trusting your own body to tell you what migraine headache treatment works.

I was raised to do whatever my doctor told me to do. After 15 years of suffering with migraine headaches that actually increased in severity and frequency as I increased the intensity for a medical migraine headache treatment, I came to the realization that I hadn't tried everything.

I hadn't listened to my body and tried what it told me to do.

Ask yourself this: When was the last time I didn't take a pill to solve my migraine headache? When was the last time I tried a natural migraine headache treatment?

YOU can determine the course of your migraine headache treatment.


A migraine headache treatment, in order to be fully effective, requires a prescription to the triptan that works best for you. But these are not necessary very often if you follow the proper migraine headache treatment path.

Don't get stuck in a rebound cycle. No one should naturally suffer from migraine headaches more than a couple times a month (even that is too frequent). No one should be taking pills every day as their migraine headache treatment.

There's a better way. Read Better Migraine Headache Treatment Options.