Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Dark Side of Migraine Headache Treatment

Your Migraine Headache Treatment is Making Things Worse

There are two reasons that anyone suffering from migraine headache pain should consider a natural migraine headache treatment.

  1. It works better than any migraine headache medication.
  2. It's free.

The kind of migraine headache relief you receive from a natural migraine headache treatment course is significantly different from the migraine headache relief you receive from medication.

Here I'll discuss the down side to a common medical migraine headache treatment: Preventative Migraine Headache Medication (Prophylactic)


Preventative migraine headache medication, or prophylactic medication, is popular among doctors specializing in migraine headache treatment

Popular preventative medications include Topamax, Depakote, and Neurontin.


As with any prescription migraine headache treatment, you may experience significant side effects.

I found that each of the above drugs made me dizzy, naseous, foggy and just plain tired all day long.

When I first started on Topamax, I took a three hour nap in the middle of the day and could not focus at work. I found it increasingly difficult to make it through the day without a nap. I didn't want to wake up, wanted to sleep all day long.

And then the dosage increased....

Each one of these drugs requires a swift dosage increase, as well, to maintain their effectiveness. Many people discontinue use of the drug in the hopes that a migraine headache treatment MUST exist that doesn't leave you feeling drugged up and dizzy all day long.


The dark underbelly of migraine headache treatment is, as with any business, buried under the bottom line. If you are prescribed a drug as part of your migraine headache treatment, you are being asked to fund the R&D costs of a major drug company.

It may sound cynical to you, and before your dismiss this entirely consider this:

Every preventative migraine headache treatment medication was originally developed to treat a different disease.

Whether we're talking about antidepressants or drugs for epileptic seizures, not one of these drugs were developed as a migraine headache treatment.


Indication Expansion is insider term used by drug companies to describe the process of approving one medication for the treatment of a disease FOR WHICH IT WAS NEVER INTENDED.

By their own admission, this marketing exercise is intended to expand the possible return on investment for a particular drug.

See this from OBBeC [a leading BioTech company]

"Drug development processes consume around $1 billion and 10-15 years from concept to commercialization. Skyrocketing expenditures in pharmaceutical R&D have forced the pharmaceutical industry to invent innovative strategies to maximize their return on investment."

Notice the use of the word "forced." The cost of research and development has forced drug companies to expand the use of drugs beyond their original purpose.

Topamax is an epileptic seizure drug. Not a migraine headache treatment.

If I were suffering from epileptic seizures, I am sure the terrible side effects that come with Topamax would be a small price to pay for relief from what must be a horrible condition.

But to take this drug as a means of preventing migraine headaches, to use it under the guise of legitimate migraine headache treatment, to me, after 15 years of suffering and personal experimentation with all varieties of migraine headache treatment, seems like a cruel joke.


When I was first prescribed Topamax as a migraine headache treatment, I was told it was used to prevent migraine headaches. A little research uncovered the fact that it's an epileptic seizure drug.

Because of the pain I was in, because of the my desperate circumstances, I automatically believed that this medication was somehow discovered to have a significant impact on migraine headaches.

I wanted so badly to believe that this was a wonderful day in the advancement of migraine headache treatment, that we have all these wonderful new drugs with which to combat migraine headaches...

Don't believe it.

It's a marketing ploy and nothing more.


If these drugs worked the way doctors and drug companies claim they do, then this site wouldn't exist. There wouldn't be LITERALLY a hundred thousand blogs suggesting alternative migraine headache treatments.

There wouldn't be millions of migraine headache sufferers.

If these medications prevented migraines in a tolerable way, we would all be happy and declaring our undying loyalty to J&J and Topamax and Depakote and Neurontin and NameYourPoison.

Do a search. You won't find one unbiased site declairing their love for these drugs.

Because they aren't migraine headache treatments.

They are marketing gimmicks.

They are a product of Indication Expansion. That is a fact taken directly from the drug companies' own literature.

Your body will tell you what migraine headache treatment to use and what migraine headache treatment to stay away from.

If you're interested in a free migraine headache treatment that is natural -- that requires you to BUY NOTHING -- take a look at other Migraine Headache Treatment Options.

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