Thursday, May 21, 2009

A 5 Step Migraine Headache Treatment

A Free Migraine Headache Treatment

Looking for a guaranteed migraine headache treatment? If you're willing to put in a little effort and let your body do the heavy lifting, this 5 step migraine headache treatment will open you up to a whole new pain-free world!

Migraine Headache Treatment STEP ONE


Any migraine headache treatment you might try should require you to "cut out your triggers."

This is easier said than done. I received an email the other day from a woman who, from the sound of it, was stuck in a pretty tough rebound cycle. I recommended this 5-step migraine headache treatment. She wrote with thanks, saying she would try all of my suggestions...BUT, she didn't know what her migraine triggers were, so it would take some time.

Translation: I'm going to my doctor. I'm getting on some migraine medication and hoping for the best.

Migraine medication is useful to abort a migraine headache IN PROGRESS. But use with caution. If you're relying on medication as your primary form of migraine headache treatment, you are dooming yourself to interminable migraine headaches.

Migraine medication, used more than a couple of times per months -- and this includes OTC (over the counter) pain killers -- will throw you head-first into a terrible rebound headache cycle that is very difficult to pull yourself out of.

In fact, many people reading this are probably suffering from rebound headaches without even knowing it. Don't panic if you are. This migraine headache treatment will knock you out of the cycle.

If you would like to determine if you're suffering from rebound headaches, take a look at my rebound headache article - migraine headache treatment for rebound headaches.

If you would like to get started on a migraine headache treatment, before you do anything else, you must identify your migraine headache triggers.

Easier said than done?

Absolutely. This is the main reason that migraine sufferers have such a hard time finding a useful and effective migraine headache treatment.

Here is a complete list of migraine headache triggers for use with any migraine headache treatment.

It's long. It's daunting. It's difficult to imagine life without some of these items, let alone ALL of them!

But the good news is: you don't have to live without all of these triggers forever. During the course of this migraine headache treatment, you can start adding in items, one at a time, to make sure you know FOR CERTAIN what is a trigger and what isn't.

But first you absolutely MUST cut them all out -- all at once -- to begin ANY migraine headache treatment -- if you want the migraine headache treatment to be effective.


Because if you don't, you run the risk -- and the very probable risk -- of cutting out some, but not all of your triggers. The result will be more migraine headaches, and you will abandon the migraine headache treatment declaring this method to be a failure.

I know because that's what I did for 15 years.


I toyed with the concept of cutting triggers for 15 years.

I kept a headache journal.

I cut chocolate, coffee and aspartame.

I still got migraine headaches.

Then I cut alcohol, but still drank some coffee, diet coke, but I ate onions in almost all of my meals.

I still got migraine headaches.

I was wasn't surprised. I was frustrated, but I wasn't surprised, because I didn't really believe that cutting out foods could have that great an impact on what had become a constant plague in my life.

I went back to my doctor and said the following:

"I kept the headache journal. I cut out my triggers. I get migraine headaches almost every day NO MATTER WHAT. This migraine headache treatment isn't working."

My doctor didn't ask any questions about what triggers I cut out, he didn't tell me I had to cut ALL triggers out, whether or not I think they effect me.

He gave me new prescriptions to different migraine medications, and I got worse.

This is a very common practice.

This is a great example of the most common form of migraine headache treatment.

This does not work, cannot work, will not work.

Any migraine headache treatment must begin with this first step:

Cut out ALL migraine headache triggers.

I know it sounds hard. Here's some motivation to get you going on this migraine headache treatment.

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